Zac Sweers

Zac Sweers

Pale Blue Dot
Footballer, runner. Caribbean-born, Texas-raised. Thoughts are my own, etc. Currently @SlackEng · formerly @UberEng @Flipboard · @UTCompSci alum

Zac Sweers45 posts

@JvmDefault: More Useful Than You Think

@JvmDefault is an annotation + compiler flag in Kotlin to enable using Java 8 default interface methods. It does more than it leads on though! This post explores some other bytecode optimizations you can gain with it as well as some hidden behaviors you should be aware of.

New blog!

Welcome to my new blog! I've been thinking about this awhile for a few reasons. * Medium's increasingly heavy-handed and frankly

RxAndroid's New Async API

“RxAndroid meets VSYNC rubber” — Icon used with permission from Ray Wenderlich [